Currently in Open Beta!

We are still implementing the future paid features. Meanwhile, we hope you enjoy unlimited free beta.

We need your help!
Let us know how it goes and share any conversations with us you want us to see.
As noted in the privacy policy, we DO NOT COLLECT YOUR CONVERSATIONS.

Features to be implemented soon:
AI Helper Long term memory, Follow up conversation scheduling.
Example Session

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By signing up, you consent to newsletters and marketing
emails from Practical Creativity as described in our
Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
We respect your privacy and do not tolerate spam.
We will never share or sell your information to third parties.

Resources for Urgent Needs

If any of these statements apply to you, please contact these external resources:

I am (or someone I know is) in immediate danger.
I am or someone I know is considering suicide.
I just want to talk to a human being.
I'm experiencing an acute change in my mental wellbeing.

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